Easter Egg Hunt

At Fathers House Church

Sunday, April 20 @ 10am

On Sunday, April 20 @ Father’s House Church, we are hosting our annual GIANT Easter egg hunt….

On Sunday, April 20 @ Father’s House Church we are hosting our Annual GIANT Easter Egg Hunt...

✅ Thousands of Easter Eggs!

✅ Thousands of Pieces of Candy

✅ Free Pictures with the Easter Bunny

✅ Free Games
✅ Free Face Painting
✅ Free Coffee

And of course... more Candy + Prizes than your kids can handle!

Church starts at 10am and then the GIANT Easter Egg Hunt will be directly following service.

Your kids are going to thank you after you bring them to Father’s House Church for a family friendly Easter Egg Hunt for kids of all ages! 

Come out to Father’s House on April 20th @ 10am for a fun, safe day of family fun.

Church is at 10am and then the Easter Egg Hunt right after service...

This event is 100% FREE and open to the public!

All we ask is that you Plan Your Visit below so that we can save a spot for your kids, hide eggs for them, and give them a free welcome gift!

So Plan Your Visit now and we’ll see you on Sunday, April 20th at 10am...