Foursquare Chaplains and Disaster Relief

 Most people are caught off-guard when disaster strikes, completely unprepared for the devastating effects of natural phenomena such as storms, floods and earthquakes, or man-made catastrophes such as the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Many want to help in tangible ways but don’t always know the right thing to do. And while the desire to help is admirable, if misdirected it can prove dangerous, as when well-meaning individuals impulsively go to a disaster site and end up becoming victims themselves.

Jay Donnelly and Robby Booth, of Foursquare Chaplains International (FCI), would like to change all of that. Jay and the FCI team have equipped over 800 Foursquare pastors and leaders to be FEMA-approved first responders, representing the Lord in the midst of tragedy and with the full approval of national and local government agencies.

Other additional Foursquare leaders have become certified trainers, who will then extend this disaster relief training deeper into their churches and communities. Call for more information: 805 466-3191

Our Local Chaplain,

Felisa Hamman